Sunday, December 15, 2013


Wow! It blows my mind that we are already 15 days into December!! Where does the time go? I want everything to slow down so I can do a better job of enjoying the holiday season, family & friends, time off, and good food! I have been meaning to blog sooner than this but life has been busy the last few weeks. Me trying to dig my way out of mounds of paperwork/backwork from taking several days off at Thanksgiving, trying to get my house decorated for Christmas (that is taking way longer than I have wanted!), Christmas shopping, parties, making Christmas cards, and trying to not get more behind in work so I can take a week off for Christmas!

Though it's December and the "Christmas Season", I'm going to back up and share about our Thanksgiving so those who keep asking about it can get an inside look at all the fun that was had. I posted some pictures on Facebook yesterday (finally) and will post some of the same ones on the blog for those of you who don't have a Facebook.

We had an absolute blast! Some of James's family flew out and stayed with us for about 5 days. One of his sisters flew in from Chicago, his mom/step dad, brother, nephew, and another sister/fiance/two kids flew up from Florida. Over the weekend we also had four other family members come up from Arkansas and stay for two days as well. Lets just say we had a packed house and lots of fun and food!! We had tons of food on Thanksgiving with football, of course. We ended Thanksgiving with some games. Friday we all just relaxed and attempted to recover from the day before (by eating more food!). Friday evening we had a huge bonfire with hot dogs, s'mores, and hot chocolate.

Saturday was a lot of of fun with church, tons more food, and we went to the Little House on the Prairie homestead a few miles from our house. It was a good day with the sun shining and warmer weather than previously in the week. We ended the day by going to Braum's, a local ice cream shop, and then came back to the house to play some games.

Sunday we headed to our local park and zoo to see the animals and have some more fun! It was another gorgeous day and everyone had a blast playing at the park and acting like little kids :)

Here are some photos from our Thanksgiving!

We had such a fantastic Thanksgiving weekend and it was amazing having family come out and see us! Seeing close loved ones really helped me make it to the Christmas season. But it definitely made me realize how much I miss everything and everyone from back "home" on the east coast. I can't wait to travel to Tennessee in a week and see the ones I love and miss!